
Saturday, November 7, 2009

My internet got cut off because of a bill problem. Why do they have to take away my email address too?

Now, i can't even check me email on a different computer.
My internet got cut off because of a bill problem. Why do they have to take away my email address too?
A lesson in life learned early...Don't continue 2 make the same mistake.
Reply:Because your account is probably one that is provided from your provider in specific. When the account goes so does all accesses.

When you get you net back, or even from any accessable computer, make yourself an email account off the net. Such as Yahoo or any, and then when you loose an net account your email will still be available off other PC's.

**thats not necessarily true *Johnathon* as many times the provider makes mistakes. A friend lost hers due to this, and she has never been late or ignored a paid a bill. In fact at one time, I had a bout with lightening and had no PC for a few months. When I got a new one, I still had service. I was NOT sent a bill for about a year! I imagine I could still have it now with no bill had I not myself shut it off due to wanting something else. My husband and I simpley thought the other was paying only was only realized between us when we discussed switching companies.

Let's not pressume its an adult or even bill payer asking the question. It very well may have been a young person asking a legitiment question and her parents pay the bills...........we also dont know what emergancies and such occur in ones life that caused a shortage or mishap of net. Its more childish to attack for the question asked on pressumtion than to ask the question itself.
Reply:If your email address was going through your ISP, it was part of your account. When they disable accounts, all features are disabled including surfing and email.
Reply:ur email address might be part of the internet subscription package....
Reply:Why would your ISP want to allow you to use their mail server when you won't pay your bill? Answering a question with a question that's rude but.....
Reply:what can i say???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bad luck gal
Reply:They deleted YOUR account because YOU didn't pay YOUR bill... it was YOUR fault that YOU got YOUR account deleted... not THEIR fault.

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