this is to my boss cynthia M. i had a long day can i send this to my boss if not please revise it because i just don't know how.
Well, Cyn, i hope this catches you before you leave the office today, otehrwis youll get it tomorrow. i had to pull Meyes off the fund raising thing, needed her help to get the sales letters out this afternoon. She was miffed, i think. Will you talk to her? By the way, i think she's doing a good job with the fundraising but that's charity and we don't make a profit there. Profit! That's the name of the game, right? I need her full time in my department. Maybe next year we could get someone less effective to do the charity work. I don't mean less effective at charity, but... you get my drift. I'll think of someone. If you have any ideas on that, of course. Well, the clock's at 9:55 and my spouse is awaiting. Gotta go. Tommorrow!
Does my email need revision, if so how would you revise it?
It was worded very casual, so if that's how your relationship is with your supervisor then that's ok. Fund raising 'thing' sounds a little immature, and the sentence, "If you have any ideas on that, of course.", isn't even a full sentence. There are many spelling errors in this as well.
Reply:To: _____________
I hope you get this message before leaving today, or first thing tomorrow.
I had a slight problem with _________Meyes because I had to transfer her from the fund raising project to getting important sales letters out this afternoon, which seemed to upset her.
I would appreciate your telling her the importance of the sales letter project. Also please advise her that she is doing an excellent job with the fund raising project.
I do need her full-time in my department, and hope she understands this, and hope we won't have a similar problem in this area next year.
I'm sorry I can't go into more detail now, but I wil talk to you as soon as possible to answer any questions you may have.
Reply:I am not sure what kind of relationship you have with your boss, but I would address her by her full name as well as others. Also, be sure to spell check your email before sending it.
Do not speak of colleagues in a negative manner via the internet. In person, suggest to your boss that you may need addtional help and she may get the hint. Asking if someone gets your drift is very unprofessional and lacks etiquette.
She is not interested if your spouse is waiting either. When you sign off, do it professionally and sincerely-and use complete sentences.
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